Crop Evolution Lab.
How the sheer diversity of crops has been generated by selection?
Understand crop evolution from genomics perspective.

Prof. Ryohei Terauchi was selected as Highly Cited Researcher 2023

In the conference of “the Genomic Dynamics Underlying the Plastic Hermaphroditism in Plants” held in October 2023, Aoi Kudo (Ph. D. student) and Koki Minoji (Master course student) were awarded as the best oral presenter and the best poster presenter, respectively

Aoi Kudo (Ph. D. student) was awarded as the best presenters in The 144th Meeting of the Japanese Socienty of Breeding Science

Paper by Hiroaki Adachi (Project-Specific Assistant Prof.), Toshiyuki Sakai (Assistant Prof.) and colleagues published in The Plant Cell
Adachi, H., Sakai, T., Kourelis, J., Pai, H., Gonzalez Hernandez, J. L., Utsumi, Y., Seki, M., Maqbool, A., & Kamoun, S. (2023). Jurassic NLR: Conserved and dynamic evolutionary features of the atypically ancient immune receptor ZAR1. The Plant Cell, 35(10), 3662–3685.

Paper by Kudoh (Ph. D. student), Assistant Prof. Sakai and colleagues published in Estuaries and Coasts
Kudoh, A., Megonigal, J. P., Langley, J. A., Noyce, G. L., Sakai, T., & Whigham, D. F. (2023). Reproductive Responses to Increased Shoot Density and Global Change Drivers in a Widespread Clonal Wetland Species, Schoenoplectus americanus. Estuaries and Coasts.

Kodai Honda (Master course student) was awarded as the best presenter in a meeting of the Phytopathological Society of Japan held in September 2023.

Prof. Terauchi recieved “the Genetic award” from Ensyu-Shoutokukai, a public interest incorporated foundation.
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